“Phase 2 clinical trial to evaluate the effectiveness of using a phage mixture to treat IBD in humans has been approved but not yet started, says Elinav, who cofounded a […]
Food Additives Associated with Gut Microbiota Alterations in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
“After summarizing the collected information from the current studies, our review concluded that food additives exert multiple effects on gut microbiota and intestinal homeostasis, which may be associated with the […]
Glyphosate infiltrates the brain and increases pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFα: implications for neurodegenerative disorders
“Collectively, these results show for the first time that glyphosate infiltrates the brain, elevates both the expression of TNFα and soluble Aβ, and disrupts the transcriptome in a dose-dependent manner, […]
The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence
“The main areas of serotonin research provide no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by […]
Research Suggests Restoring Lost Bacterial Cues Might Protect against T1D
“In the case of T1D, decreased gut microbiome diversity is characteristic of and can be predictive of disease onset, suggesting that at-risk children may be missing specific microbes with disease-mitigating […]
The gut metabolite indole-3 propionate promotes nerve regeneration and repair
“Intermittent fasting changes the gut bacteria activity of mice and increases their ability to recover from nerve damage. The new research is published in Nature and was conducted by Imperial College London […]
The occurrence of hyperactivated platelets and fibrinaloid microclots in ME/CFS
(preprint) “We conclude that ME/CFS is accompanied by substantial and measurable changes in coagulability, platelet hyperactivation, and fibrinaloid microclot formation. … Fibrinaloid microclots, in particular can provide a ready explanation, […]
Blood-brain barrier breakdown is an early biomarker for human cognitive dysfunction (2019)
Our data show that individuals with early cognitive dysfunction develop brain capillary damage and BBB breakdown in the hippocampus irrespective of Alzheimer’s Aβ and/or tau biomarker changes, suggesting that BBB […]
Vagus nerve stimulation promotes resolution of inflammation
“The findings indicate that electrical signals in the vagus nerve activate a cholinergic signal promoting Alox15-dependent lipid mediator biosynthesis and accelerating resolution of inflammation, providing additional insights into neural regulation […]
COVID-19 Liver
Updated May 24, 2024