Body’s bacteria may keep our brains healthy

“Now, researchers have discovered yet another way microbes keep us healthy: They are needed for closing the blood-brain barrier, a molecular fence that shuts out pathogens and molecules that could harm the brain. The findings suggest that a woman’s diet or exposure to antibiotics during pregnancy may influence the development of this barrier.”

Read more here.

Braniste V, Al-Asmakh M, Kowal C, Anuar F, Abbaspour A, Tóth M, Korecka A, Bakocevic N, Ng LG, Kundu P, Gulyás B, Halldin C, Hultenby K, Nilsson H, Hebert H, Volpe BT, Diamond B, Pettersson S. The gut microbiota influences blood-brain barrier permeability in mice. Sci Transl Med. 2014 Nov 19;6(263):263ra158. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3009759. Erratum in: Sci Transl Med. 2014 Dec 10;6(266):266er7. Guan, Ng Lai [corrected to Ng, Lai Guan]. PMID: 25411471; PMCID: PMC4396848.