Low Social Status May Weaken Immune System in Monkeys

“In a study of 45 female monkeys, researchers observed that changes in social status affected genes that associated with stress and inflammation. The lower a monkey’s social status, the more […]

Skin bacteria could protect against disease

“…the most common bacteria on human skin secrete a protein which protects us from the reactive oxygen species thought to contribute to several skin diseases.”

Good Viruses Discovered in Gut Bacteria

“Most virologists are looking at how viruses cause disease,” said Mark Young, PhD, from Montana State University. “We’re flipping that around, and looking at the possible role for viruses in […]

Cranberries may benefit gut, heart, immune system and brain

“…recent investigations have shown that the cranberry polyphenols may interact with other bioactive compounds in cranberries that could protect the gut microbiota, and provide antioxidant and anti-inflammatory functions that benefit […]