Gut microorganisms modulate serotonin activity

“The research, carried out in cell cultures and verified in mice, provides strong evidence that microbiota can interfere with human physiology by modulating the serotonin transporter activity. Serotonin transporter is a target for numerous diseases and it seems that microbiota living in our guts is able to interfere with this transporter, controlling our serotonin levels.”

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Eva Latorre, Elena Layunta, Laura Grasa, Marta Castro, Julián Pardo, Fernando Gomollón, Ana I. Alcalde and José E. Mesonero. ‘Intestinal serotonin transporter inhibition by Toll-like receptor 2 activation. A feedback modulation. PLOS ONE, 2016 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0169303