Decolonization of America

From LA to Gaza: Globalize the Intifada

Following the October 7 attack by Hamas, I started noticing calls for Decolonization of America – as activists seek to harness the energy from the pro-Palestine movement for revolution.

One individual promoting the Nation of Black Liberation asked in a TikTok video,

“Are we just going to sit here and be like, ‘damn, I support Palestine,’ or are we going to do a Palestine and de-fucking-colonize?”

He argues the system is racist. And the majority are white. So the whites are upholding the racist system & the whites are who they must go against.

At an event in LA in November 2023, demonstrators were recorded saying,

“Taking back your land from settlers will not be sunshine and rainbows. it’s going to be violent and bloody.”

“From LA to Gaza. Globalize the Intifada.”

A global intifada is a desire shared by all working people across the world. It’s going to look bloody.”

One pro-palestine protestor at another event was recorded saying,

“October 7th was one of the greatest days in the history of DECOLONIZATION.”

Black separatists aiming to form New Afrika in America’s South, state:

“We recognize, support and defend the RIGHT of New Afrikans to fight for the liberation of the National Territory by ANY MEANS NECESSARY.

“We recognize that the american settler colonial project is illegitimate in its essence; and as such, the u.s. government has NO legitimate sovereign authority over any portion of OUR national territory nor ANYWHERE ELSE!”


In Portland, the Intifada Begins in Kindergarten

Christopher Rufo recently obtained a collection of documents produced by the Portland Association of Teachers that encourages its more than 4,500 members to “Teach Palestine!” (though, he write, “It’s not immediately clear to what extent the lessons have been adopted in Portland public school classrooms.”)

From his coverage:

The lesson plans are steeped in radicalism, and they begin teaching the principles of “decolonization” to students as young as four and five years old.

Other pre-K resources include a video that repeats left-wing mantras, including “I feel safe when there are no police,” and a slideshow that glorifies the Palestinian intifada, or violent resistance against Israel.

In kindergarten through second grade, the ideologies intensify. The teachers’ union recommends a lesson, “Art and Action for Palestine,” that teaches students that Israel, like America, is an oppressor. The objective is to “connect histories of settler colonialism from Palestine to the United States”

Rufo shared on X:

Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth

Frantz Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth seems popular amongst those who want to decolonize America. An excerpt from a paper titled, ‘Liberation through violence in Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth: Historical and contemporary criticisms’:

“…according to Fanon, liberation from colonialism can only be a violent phenomenon that “reeks of red-hot cannonballs and bloody knives,” and can be resolved “only after a murderous and decisive confrontation between the two protagonists.”


James Lindsay made a video titled, ‘Decolonization is Violence.’ From the description:

“the idea of “decolonization” is back in the center stage. Academics and activists across the West are not only celebratory of the violence in Israel; they are also mocking the general public for failing to realize that “decolonization” is intrinsically a violent, brutal process. What’s going on here? Where do these ideas come from? The answer is that these ideas come from a postcolonialist named Frantz Fanon, who wrote his radical and troubling books in the 1950s and 1960s.These have become the academic gold standard for generations of radicals ever since. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay reads through French Marxist Jean-Paul Sartre’s famous summary of Fanon’s Wretched of the Earth and shows that decolonization is little more than a Gnostic rebirth ritual perpetrated through murder.” 

I wrote about a group with financial ties to China using the energy of the pro-Palestine greivances to advance a communist revolution in America here: