Aluminium in brain tissue in autism

Conclusion: “We have made the first measurements of aluminium in brain tissue in ASD and we have shown that the brain aluminium content is extraordinarily high. We have identified aluminium […]

Antimicrobial Triclosan Changes Microbiota

“Studies in mice by a team of scientists in the U.S. and China have now linked short-term dietary exposure to triclosan with altered gut microbiota, colonic inflammation, worsening colitis, and […]

IBD Triggered by Gut Microbes and Dietary Compounds

“Researchers in the U.S. and U.K. have uncovered a link between an antimicrobial toxin that is produced by common gut bacteria to fend off their rivals and inflammatory bowel disease […]

Missing microbes ’cause’ childhood cancer

“Prof Mel Greaves, from the Institute of Cancer Research, has amassed 30 years of evidence to show the immune system can become cancerous if it does not “see” enough bugs […]