Industry-Funded Pesticide Data Problematic, Study Shows

“Epidemiology studies have shown that chlorpyrifos is a neurotoxin that can lead to neurodevelopmental issues, including decreased intelligence quotient (IQ) in children exposed prenatally to even low doses of the […]

Diet affects the breast microbiome in mammals

“Diet influences the composition of microbial populations in the mammary glands of nonhuman primates, researchers report October 2 in the journal Cell Reports.”

Blissed-Out Fish on Prozac

“According to the USGS, pharmaceutical traces can be found in 80 percent of United States streams.”

Studies show connection between diet, cognitive function

“…her data suggested that caloric restriction functioned as a sort of “fountain of youth” for aging rodents, whose neurovascular and metabolic functions were better than those of young mice on […]

Dietary fiber reduces brain inflammation during aging

“The new study reveals, in old mice, that butyrate inhibits production of damaging chemicals by inflamed microglia. One of those chemicals is interleukin-1β, which has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease […]