“new study has found some common gut microbiota taxa patterns in Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis & rheumatoid arthritis” Read more here. Forbes, J.D., Chen, Cy., Knox, N.C. et al. A […]
Author: WOCredentials
PFOA and PFOS cause lower sperm counts and smaller penises, study finds
“Experiments they conducted in the laboratory show that PFOA and PFOS can bind with testosterone receptors inside the cell and disrupt the normal function of the hormone.”
Industry-Funded Pesticide Data Problematic, Study Shows
“Epidemiology studies have shown that chlorpyrifos is a neurotoxin that can lead to neurodevelopmental issues, including decreased intelligence quotient (IQ) in children exposed prenatally to even low doses of the […]
Baby boys and girls receive different nutrients in breast milk
“Tests on mothers’ milk in both monkeys and humans have showed that levels of fat, protein, vitamins, sugars, minerals and hormones vary enormously, but there is evidence that milk made […]
UCLA cell study reveals how head injuries lead to serious brain diseases
The biologists found that hundreds of genes are adversely affected by mild traumatic brain injury, such as a concussion. These altered genes can later lead to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other […]
Soy formula during infancy associated w severe menstrual pain in adulthood
“New research suggests that infant girls fed soy formula are more likely to develop severe menstrual pain as young adults. The finding adds to the growing body of literature that […]
Diet affects the breast microbiome in mammals
“Diet influences the composition of microbial populations in the mammary glands of nonhuman primates, researchers report October 2 in the journal Cell Reports.”
Immune cells destroy healthy brain connections, diminish cognitive function in obese mice
“Obesity leads to cognitive impairment by activating microglial cells, which consume otherwise functional synapses in the hippocampus, according to a study of male mice published in JNeurosci.”
Blissed-Out Fish on Prozac
“According to the USGS, pharmaceutical traces can be found in 80 percent of United States streams.”
Adequate Consumption of ‘Longevity’ Vitamins Could Prolong Healthy Aging
“Ames concludes that healthy aging can be extended by ingesting optimal levels of 30 known vitamins and essential minerals and he suggests that these … should be recognized as essential […]