Does an exploding brain network cause chronic pain?

“As opposed to the normal process of gradually linking up different centers in the brain after a stimulus, chronic pain patients have conditions that predispose them to linking up in […]

Dietary sugar linked to bacterial epidemics

The increasing frequency and severity of healthcare-associated outbreaks caused by bacterium Clostridium difficile have been linked to the widely used food additive trehalose. A team of researchers discovered that in […]

Dengue Vaccine Program Halted Over Safety Issues

“Two studies have suggested that for children who haven’t been exposed to dengue before vaccination, Dengvaxia, the drug made by France-based pharmaceutical company Sanofi, can actually increase the likelihood of […]

Breast milk found to protect against food allergy

“Eating allergenic foods during pregnancy can protect your child from food allergies, especially if you breastfeed, suggests new research from Boston Children’s Hospital.”

Garlic Can Fight Chronic Infections

An active sulphurous compound found in garlic can be used to fight robust bacteria in patients w chronic infections, a new study indicates.