“A diet that includes plenty of colorful vegetables and fruits may contain compounds that can stop colon cancer and inflammatory bowel diseases in pigs, according to an international team of […]
Tag: Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Antibiotics taken late in pregnancy can increase risk for IBD in offspring
“A study by researchers at the University of Chicago Medicine shows that when mice that are genetically susceptible to developing inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) were given antibiotics during late pregnancy […]
Two distinct metacommunities characterize the gut microbiota in Crohn’s disease patients
“The microbiotas in CD patients can be stratified into 2 distinct metacommunities, with the most severely perturbed metacommunity exhibiting functional potentials that deviate markedly from that of the healthy individuals, […]
Microbiomes more in flux in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
“Patients with inflammatory bowel disease are more likely to see dramatic shifts in the make-up of the community of microbes in their gut than healthy people, according to the results […]
Decreased bacterial diversity in patients with psoriatic arthritis
“Patients with PsA had a lower relative abundance of multiple intestinal bacteria. PsA samples had a lower abundance of reportedly beneficial taxa. This gut microbiota profile in PsA was similar […]
‘Good’ bacteria is potential solution to unchecked inflammation seen in bowel diseases
“…researchers found that adding back a type of beneficial bacteria that normally grows in the gut can help end this cycle, suggesting a new treatment for inflammatory bowel disease.”
Biologists control gut inflammation by altering resident bacteria
“The fact that we could alleviate inflammation by adding back a single key bacterial strain, suggests that it could be useful as a probiotic for inflammatory diseases,” said Rolig, who, […]
Ultrasound waves propel delivery of RNA to treat colon inflammation
“MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital researchers have demonstrated that they can deliver strands of RNA efficiently to colon cells, using bursts of ultrasound waves that propel the RNA into […]
STUDY: Diet induced clinical improvement in IBD
Study Conclusion: “SCD therapy in IBD is associated with clinical and laboratory improvements as well as concomitant changes in the fecal microbiome.” [1] “Suskind suspects that IBD is caused when […]
Cannabis induces a clinical response in patients with Crohn’s disease: a prospective placebo-controlled study (2013)
“a short course (8 weeks) of THC-rich cannabis produced significant clinical, steroid-free benefits to 10 of 11 patients with active Crohn’s disease, compared with placebo, without side effects.” Naftali, T., […]