“Now, researchers have discovered yet another way microbes keep us healthy: They are needed for closing the blood-brain barrier, a molecular fence that shuts out pathogens and molecules that could […]
Study tightens connection between gut microbes, diet, and colorectal cancer
“These data are among the first in humans that show a connection between long-term dietary intake and the bacteria in tumor tissue. This supports earlier studies that show some gut […]
Hypertension Opens the Flood Gates to the Gut Microbiota
“data suggest that as a result of increased gut permeability, a variety of substance produced by the intestinal microbiota will gain access to their human host and ultimately lead to […]
Prenatal infection may alter brain development via epigenetic changes
“This study suggests that immunologic activation may be the connection between maternal infection to epigenetic changes that produce lasting changes in brain development,” said Editor of Biological Psychiatry
20 minutes of exercise can act as anti-inflammatory
“The study, recently published online in Brain, Behavior and Immunity, found one 20-minute session of moderate exercise can stimulate the immune system, producing an anti-inflammatory cellular response.”
Ultrasound waves propel delivery of RNA to treat colon inflammation
“MIT and Brigham and Women’s Hospital researchers have demonstrated that they can deliver strands of RNA efficiently to colon cells, using bursts of ultrasound waves that propel the RNA into […]
Scientists provide first evidence that carbamates can upset circadian rhythms
“The research suggests that exposure to these insecticides adversely affects melatonin receptor signaling, creating a higher risk for metabolic diseases such as diabetes.”
Changes in blood-brain barrier, intestinal permeability with autism
“This is the first time anyone has shown that an altered blood-brain barrier and impaired intestinal barrier might both play a role in neuroinflammation in people with ASD,” says Fiorentino.
Calorie restriction lets monkeys live long and prosper
“Settling a persistent scientific controversy, a long-awaited report shows that restricting calories does indeed help rhesus monkeys live longer, healthier lives.”
Persistent infection leads to long-term protection
“This persistence may be to the benefit of their human hosts; studies in mice have shown that completely clearing the parasite often makes the animals susceptible to another bout of […]