The researchers showed that a refined, flavone-rich composition extracted from the berries inhibits formation of skin lesions in mice infected with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus auereus (MRSA).
Ketogenic diet improves behaviors in a model of autism spectrum disorder
“…these studies suggest a broad utility for metabolic therapy in improving core ASD symptoms, and support further research to develop and apply ketogenic and/or metabolic strategies in patients with ASD.”
Prebiotics May Help Alleviate the Harmful Effects of Stress
“The investigators learned that the mice that had been given prebiotics did not show a disruption in their gut microbiome after the stress, something that is known to occur. These […]
Excessive antibiotic use in newborns can permanently damage lungs’ defenses
“The study, published Feb. 8 in Science Translational Medicine, shows that short-term disruption of gut bacteria makes infant mice more likely to develop pneumonia. It also makes them more likely […]
Study suggests improving posture may help reduce depression
“A team of researchers at the University of Auckland has found evidence that suggests people who are depressed can improve their outlook simply by modifying their posture while sitting.”
Wastewater plant upgrade fixes fish feminisation problem
“At one point the rate of intersex changes – male fish developing female characteristics, such as producing eggs – in the Grand River was the world’s highest, says Mark Servos […]
Mother’s diet in pregnancy may have lasting effects for offspring
“We were surprised that this change in diet permanently affected the expression of this imprinted gene,” said Professor Amanda Fisher, who led the study and is director of the MRC […]
Cruciferous vegetables help the immune system to fight intestinal pathogens
“A study in mice shows that eating cruciferous vegetables—including broccoli, kale and cauliflower – helps the immune system to fight intestinal pathogens.”
Rebalancing gut microbiome lengthens survival in mouse model of ALS
“Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine report that in a mouse model of ALS, the compound butyrate helped correct a gut microbiome imbalance and reduced […]
Chronic sleep deprivation suppresses immune system
“Researchers took blood samples from 11 pairs of identical twins with different sleep patterns and discovered that the twin with shorter sleep duration had a depressed immune system, compared with […]