“A new study lends further evidence to a suspected link between abnormal breast growth in young boys—called prepubertal gynecomastia—and regular exposure to lavender or tea tree oil, by finding that […]
Artificial sweetener Splenda could intensify symptoms in those with Crohn’s disease
“In a study that has implications for humans with inflammatory diseases, researchers from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and colleagues have found that, given over a six-week period, […]
Soy formula associated with estrogenic response in infant girls
“Our findings are consistent with the animal literature, in that we detected several developmental perturbations of estrogen-responsive tissue,” the researchers wrote.
Intermittent dietary restriction may boost physical endurance
“Mice fed a standard diet but deprived of food every other day developed more efficient energy metabolism and improved running endurance.” Read more here.
SWAT team of immune cells found in mother’s milk
“Short term, the ILCs in breast milk may help protect newborns from infection, and longer term help babies develop their own protective immune system, they report in JAMA Pediatrics.”
Frequent sauna bathing reduces risk of stroke
“In a 15-year follow-up study, people taking a sauna four to seven times a week were 61 per cent less likely to suffer a stroke than those taking a sauna […]
Forage-based diets on dairy farms produce nutritionally enhanced milk
“researchers have found that cows fed a 100% organic grass and legume-based diet produce milk with elevated levels of omega-3 and CLA, and thus provides a markedly healthier balance of […]
Can UV Light Fight the Spread of Influenza?
“Continuous low doses of far ultraviolet C (far-UVC) light can kill airborne flu viruses without harming human tissues, according to a new study at the Center for Radiological Research at […]
Painkiller may disrupt sex hormones, placing unborn babies at risk
“In this study, researchers found an association with use of the drug and lower levels of “sulfated” forms of sex hormones in men and women. Also called neurosteroids, many of […]
Influenza: When Government Recommendations Aren’t Evidence-Based
Image Credit: Baylor College of Medicine. “The flu can kill tens of millions of people…” was the news headline I started my day with. Experts believe the Spanish flu outbreak […]