“Even mild traumatic brain injuries that do not result in loss of consciousness might have long-term neurodegenerative consequences.”
Fasting boosts stem cells’ regenerative capacity
“Age-related declines in stem cell function can be reversed by a 24-hour fast, according to a new study. Biologists found fasting dramatically improves stem cells’ ability to regenerate, in both […]
Walnuts impact gut microbiome and improve health
“…when you consume walnuts it increases microbes that produce butyrate, a beneficial metabolite for colonic health”
Drinking baking soda could be therapeutic for autoimmune disease
“first evidence of how the cheap, over-the-counter antacid can encourage our spleen to promote instead an anti-inflammatory environment that could be therapeutic in the face of inflammatory disease, Medical College […]
Painkillers in pregnancy may affect baby’s future fertility
“The study identifies that these drugs may also affect the fertility of future generations, by leaving marks on DNA.
Vit D leads to a shift of the bacterial composition in Crohn’s disease
“Vitamin D has a specific influence on the bacterial communities in CD, but not in healthy controls.”
Oral Antibiotic Treatment of Mice Exacerbates the Disease Severity of Multiple Infections
“In summary, we have shown that oral Abx treatment increases the risk of severe disease during flavivirus infection in mice, and we have illuminated a potential role for host microbial […]
Calorie restriction trial in humans suggests benefits for age-related disease
One of the first studies to explore the effects of calorie restriction on humans showed that cutting caloric intake by 15 percent for two years slowed aging and metabolism and […]
Being hungry shuts off perception of chronic pain
“According to research by University of Pennsylvania neuroscientists, the brain has a way to suppress chronic pain when an animal is hungry, allowing it to go look for food while […]
Extensive impact of non-antibiotic drugs on human gut bacteria
“we screened more than 1,000 marketed drugs against 40 representative gut bacterial strains, and found that 24% of the drugs with human targets, including members of all therapeutic classes, inhibited […]