“researchers have demonstrated for the first time that the administration of even extremely low doses of an endocrine disruptor – in this case, an endogenous oestrogen – leads to epigenetic […]
Intermittent Fasting Confers Protection in CNS Autoimmunity by Altering Microbiota
“Intermittent fasting increases gut microbial diversity, alters their composition and metabolic pathways”
Aluminium in brain tissue in autism
Conclusion: “We have made the first measurements of aluminium in brain tissue in ASD and we have shown that the brain aluminium content is extraordinarily high. We have identified aluminium […]
Endocrine-disrupting pesticides impair frog reproduction
“The scientists found that linuron, which is used as a pesticicide, impaired the males’ fertility, and that tadpoles developed ovaries instead of testicles to a greater extent, which caused a […]
Cognitive training reduces depression, rebuilds injured brain structure and connectivity after TBI
“New research from the Center for BrainHealth at The University of Texas at Dallas shows that certain cognitive training exercises can help reduce depression and improve brain health in individuals […]
Everyday chemicals may affect brain development, including foetal IQ
“Our paper, published on March 7 in Scientific Reports, shows that young tadpoles exposed to a mixture of common chemicals at concentrations routinely found in human amniotic fluid not only […]
Antimicrobial Triclosan Changes Microbiota
“Studies in mice by a team of scientists in the U.S. and China have now linked short-term dietary exposure to triclosan with altered gut microbiota, colonic inflammation, worsening colitis, and […]
IBD Triggered by Gut Microbes and Dietary Compounds
“Researchers in the U.S. and U.K. have uncovered a link between an antimicrobial toxin that is produced by common gut bacteria to fend off their rivals and inflammatory bowel disease […]
Gut Microbiome in Ketogenic Diet Protects against Epileptic Seizures
“A team at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), has now found that gut bacteria play a key role in mediating the protective effects that a ketogenic diet can […]
Missing microbes ’cause’ childhood cancer
“Prof Mel Greaves, from the Institute of Cancer Research, has amassed 30 years of evidence to show the immune system can become cancerous if it does not “see” enough bugs […]