“Ames concludes that healthy aging can be extended by ingesting optimal levels of 30 known vitamins and essential minerals and he suggests that these … should be recognized as essential […]
Studies show connection between diet, cognitive function
“…her data suggested that caloric restriction functioned as a sort of “fountain of youth” for aging rodents, whose neurovascular and metabolic functions were better than those of young mice on […]
Dietary fiber reduces brain inflammation during aging
“The new study reveals, in old mice, that butyrate inhibits production of damaging chemicals by inflamed microglia. One of those chemicals is interleukin-1β, which has been associated with Alzheimer’s disease […]
Common pesticide inhibits brain development in frogs
“New research published in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry reveals that low doses of a commonly used pesticide potentially harm the Northern Leopard frog by inhibiting their brain development.”
Study shows how exercise generates new neurons, improves cognition in Alzheimer’s mouse
“A study by a Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) research team finds that neurogenesis -inducing the production of new neurons – in the brain structure in which memories are encoded can […]
Behavioral conditioning of immunosuppression is possible in humans.
“These data demonstrate for the first time that immunosuppression can be behaviorally conditioned in humans.”
Cannabis extract helps reset brain function in psychosis
“Research from King’s College London has found that a single dose of the cannabis extract cannabidiol can help reduce brain function abnormalities seen in people with psychosis.”
Time-restricted eating can overcome the bad effects of faulty genes and unhealthy diet
” Deep analyses of mice in our experiment revealed that time restricted eating triggers many internal programs that improve our body’s resilience – enabling us to fight off any unhealthy […]
First biomarker evidence of DDT-autism link
“The investigators found the odds of autism with intellectual disability in offspring were increased by greater than twofold for the mother’s DDE levels in the top quartile. For the overall […]
Cannabis link to relieving intestinal inflammation explained
“new research from the University of Massachusetts Medical School and the University of Bath showing that endocannabinoids help control and prevent intestinal inflammation in mice”