“Emulsifiers, which are added to most processed foods to aid texture and extend shelf life, can alter intestinal bacteria in a manner that promotes intestinal inflammation and colorectal cancer, according […]
Category: Nutrition
Overweight affects DNA methylation
“The extra pounds you gain during the holidays will not only show up on your hips but will also affect your DNA. This is the result of a large-scale international […]
Low-carb diet alleviates inherited form of intellectual disability in mice
“In their experiments, the researchers compared mice given the ketogenic diet to mice fed a normal diet and to those injected with BHB. Compared with their untreated counterparts, both groups […]
Lab confirms vitamin D link to autism traits
“The study found that pregnant women with low vitamin D levels at 20 weeks’ gestation were more likely to have a child with autistic traits by the age of six. […]
Study shows fasting kills cancer cells of common childhood leukemia
“Strikingly, we found that in models of ALL, a regimen consisting of six cycles of one day of fasting followed by one day of feeding completely inhibited cancer development,” he […]
Weight loss is associated with improvements in cognitive function among overweight and obese people
“intentional weight loss in obese/overweight people is associated with improvements in performance across various cognitive domains.”
Changes in the diet affect epigenetics via the microbiota
“research in mice is showing that microbes communicate with their hosts by sending out metabolites that act on histones—thus influencing gene transcription not only in the colon but also in […]
Plant compounds may boost brain function in older adults, study says
“In this study, participants with lower levels of lutein and zeaxanthin had to use more brain power and relied more heavily on different parts of the brain in order to […]
High-fiber diet keeps gut microbes from eating colon’s lining
“Starved, [microbes] begin to munch on the natural layer of mucus that lines the gut, eroding it to the point where dangerous invading bacteria can infect the colon wall.”
Underfed worms program their babies to cope with famine
“A Duke University study of the tiny nematode worm C. elegans finds that young worms that don’t get anything to eat in the first few days of life are buffered from early […]