“the UCF scientists discovered how high levels of Propionic Acid (PPA), used to increase the shelf life of packaged foods and inhibit mold in commercially processed cheese and bread, reduce […]
Category: ContraRisks
Vaping the sweetener sucralose may produce toxic chemicals
“I would strongly advise that users should not use liquids with sucralose in them,” says Sven Jordt, a toxicologist at Duke University School of Medicine who was not involved with […]
A small number of crops are dominating globally. And that’s bad news for sustainable agriculture
“…an ecological issue; think potato famine, but on a global scale. Martin says if there’s increasing dominance by a few genetic lineages of crops, then the global agricultural system becomes […]
Prenatal and infant exposure to ambient pesticides and autism spectrum disorder in children: population based case-control study
Findings suggest that an offspring’s risk of autism spectrum disorder increases following prenatal exposure to ambient pesticides within 2000 m of their mother’s residence during pregnancy, compared with offspring of […]
Nonstick chemicals are common in U.S. drinking water, federal study suggests
A study quietly released earlier this month by scientists at EPA and the United States Geological Survey suggests the chemicals are widespread. They found some combination of 14 PFAS compounds […]
Good exercise habits derailed by common food additive
Mice were fed a high phosphate diet & then “We measured their oxygen uptake during exercise and found that their capacity for movement was much lower. The mice were unable […]
Peter C Gøtzsche: Cochrane—no longer a Collaboration
“Academic freedom has gone, scientific debates are unwelcome, and transparency is a thing of the past. Cochrane’s public statements deny this, but I am a witness on the inside and […]
PFOA and PFOS cause lower sperm counts and smaller penises, study finds
“Experiments they conducted in the laboratory show that PFOA and PFOS can bind with testosterone receptors inside the cell and disrupt the normal function of the hormone.”
Industry-Funded Pesticide Data Problematic, Study Shows
“Epidemiology studies have shown that chlorpyrifos is a neurotoxin that can lead to neurodevelopmental issues, including decreased intelligence quotient (IQ) in children exposed prenatally to even low doses of the […]
Soy formula during infancy associated w severe menstrual pain in adulthood
“New research suggests that infant girls fed soy formula are more likely to develop severe menstrual pain as young adults. The finding adds to the growing body of literature that […]