“Boys exposed prenatally to a common chemical used in plastics may be more likely to develop symptoms of anxiety and depression at age 10-12. The new study examined early life […]
Category: ContraRisks
Tap water of 6 million in the US contains industrial chemicals
“‘These compounds are potent immunotoxicants in children and recent work suggests drinking water safety levels should be much lower than the provisional guidelines established by EPA,’ said Elsie Sunderland, senior author […]
Plastic manufacturing chemical BPS harms egg cells, study suggests
“Research suggests that BPS can damage a woman’s eggs – and at lower doses than BPA.”
Pesticides Reduce Male Honeybee Fertility
“Exposure to neonicotinoids, a type of pesticide widely used on crops, reduced the percentage of viable sperm in male honeybees (drones) and also shortened the insects’ lifespans, according to a […]
Toxic air pollution nanoparticles discovered in the human brain
“‘Our results indicate that magnetite nanoparticles in the atmosphere can enter the human brain, where they might pose a risk to human health, including conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease,’ added […]
Fetal BPA exposure in mice linked to estrogen-related diseases
“Researchers from Yale show that the genome is permanently altered in the uterus of mice that had been exposed to BPA during their fetal development. These changes were found to […]
Antidepressive treatment during pregnancy can affect newborn brain activity
“Fetal exposure to commonly used SRI drugs may affect brain activity in newborns, new research shows. The researchers suggest that the effects of drugs on fetal brain function should be […]
Antibiotics enable growth of pathogens
“A newly discovered mechanism helps explain how antibiotics change the gut microbiota, increasing nutrients that benefit the growth of pathogens, like Salmonella.”
Strategy against pesticide-linked Parkinson’s disease
“Exposure to a group of common pesticides, called dithiocarbamates, has long been associated with an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease, although the mechanism by which the compounds exert their toxicity […]
Antibiotics that kill gut bacteria also stop growth of new brain cells
“Antibiotics strong enough to kill off gut bacteria can also stop the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus, a section of the brain associated with memory, reports a […]