“The study, published Feb. 8 in Science Translational Medicine, shows that short-term disruption of gut bacteria makes infant mice more likely to develop pneumonia. It also makes them more likely […]
Category: ContraRisks
Wastewater plant upgrade fixes fish feminisation problem
“At one point the rate of intersex changes – male fish developing female characteristics, such as producing eggs – in the Grand River was the world’s highest, says Mark Servos […]
Scientists provide first evidence that carbamates can upset circadian rhythms
“The research suggests that exposure to these insecticides adversely affects melatonin receptor signaling, creating a higher risk for metabolic diseases such as diabetes.”
Dogs have 3X more BPA after eating canned food
“Researchers saw a three-fold increase in BPA levels in dogs who ate canned dog food for two weeks. They also saw changes in the dogs’ gut microbes.”
Medical Studies Often Leave Out Adverse Outcomes
“Approximately half of studies published on new medical treatments leave out at least some of the adverse effects they uncovered, according to a recent analysis in PLOS Medicine.”
Common food additive promotes colon cancer in mice
“Emulsifiers, which are added to most processed foods to aid texture and extend shelf life, can alter intestinal bacteria in a manner that promotes intestinal inflammation and colorectal cancer, according […]
Pharmaceutical Executives Charged in Racketeering Scheme
“Several pharmaceutical executives and managers, formerly employed by Insys Therapeutics, Inc., were arrested today on charges that they led a nationwide conspiracy to bribe medical practitioners to unnecessarily prescribe a […]
Persisting changes of intestinal microbiota after bowel lavage and colonoscopy.
“We provide clear evidence that, in normal individuals, a high-volume polyethylene glycol bowel cleansing preparation has a long-lasting effect on the gut microbiota composition and homeostasis”
Reviews Of Medical Studies May Be Tainted By Funders’ Influence
” ‘They can get the results or at least the interpretation that fits their needs. So you have the most powerful and most prestigious design in current medical evidence, and […]
Aspartame may prevent, not promote, weight loss by blocking intestinal enzyme’s activity
Aspartame may block the activity of an enzyme (IAP) produced in the small intestine.