I encountered an interesting essay titled, ‘Maneuver Warfare Is Not Dead, But It Must Evolve.’ Context: Here’s an excerpt from the essay for those not familiar with what is meant […]
Category: Blog
Mises: Our Leftist Economic Thinking
excerpts from an essay by Ludwig von Mises published in The Freeman (1952). The pseudo-liberals monopolize the teaching jobs at many universities. Bureaus gave them the mentality of authoritarianism The […]
Hayek on Privately Issued Competing Currencies
In a 1980 interview with Silver and Gold Report, Friedrich Hayek made an argument for privately issued competing currencies. He was asked about it again in 1984 and said:
Georges Sorel: The Power of Myths
excerpts from Reflections on Violence (1908): “As long as there are no myths accepted by the masses, one may go on talking of revolts indefinitely without ever provoking any revolutionary […]
Bob Jones: Strategic Influence
Bob Jones was a guest on ep 56 of the Cognitive Crucible. From the podcast description: “During this thought provoking episode, Mr. Bob Jones asserts that governance is a critical […]
Vices Are Self Harm
From Aristotle’s ‘Nicomachean Ethics’ (1566) preceding line, “Therefor the good man should be a lover of self (for he will both…” People need to hear stories and see acts which […]
Moral Conflict in America
After reading a review of Aleksandr Dugin’s 1997 ‘Foundations of Geopolitics,’ I downloaded an AI translated copy myself (the book was originally published in Russian). This excerpt stood out: The […]
Dodd Report to Reece Committee – investigation of tax-exempt foundations (1954)
Read the full report here. Location in Library of Congress: https://lccn.loc.gov/54011186 Excerpts from the report prepared by Norman Dodd
John Boyd Conceptual Spiral
John Boyd delivered this Conceptual Spiral presentation to an audience at Maxwell Air Force Base in the mid-1990s. The audience was provided handouts containing: (see https://www.colonelboyd.com/boydswork for more documents) He […]